Why isn't there a default query record function like this following one in Appian which I made by myself


rule!OE_QueryOneRecordTypeByForeignKey(recordType, fkField, value)

Gets a record based on its foreign key field value

recordType (RecordType): queried record type

fkField (Record Field): foreign key field

value (Number (Integer)): integer value searched

  local!queryData: a!queryRecordType(
    recordType: ri!recordType,
    filters: {
        field: ri!fkField,
        operator: "=",
        value: ri!value,
    pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 1)

if it was OE_QueryRecordTypeByForeignKey, then you simply remove the [1] indexing

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are several reasons. In my experience, there is no catch all expression. E.g. your code example would not work in a UI refresh scenario because you use a local variable without a refresh-always behaviour.

    Next, I am a huge fan of expressive expression names and really prefer a XYZ_GetCaseRecordById() over a generic XYZ_GetSomeRecordsWithAnAndlessListOfOptions().

    But there are (number of Appian developers) + 1 opinions.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are several reasons. In my experience, there is no catch all expression. E.g. your code example would not work in a UI refresh scenario because you use a local variable without a refresh-always behaviour.

    Next, I am a huge fan of expressive expression names and really prefer a XYZ_GetCaseRecordById() over a generic XYZ_GetSomeRecordsWithAnAndlessListOfOptions().

    But there are (number of Appian developers) + 1 opinions.
