I have this code which I use to query task report. I want the filter to check if the asignee groups are in an array of input groups. Take a look at the working example first:
a!queryProcessAnalytics( report: cons!GBD_Report, contextProcessModels: cons!GBD_Process, query: a!query( pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 100, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "c2", ascending: true ), ), filter: a!queryFilter( field: "c4", operator: "=", value: ri!group ) ), ),
This works because ri!group is not an array but a single group. However when I turn the ri!group into an array of groups, and instead of operator "=" use operator "in" so basically check if group is IN an array of groups I get no data. If I use "not in" operator I get the opposite - I get all tasks. What is the issue here?
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Do it this way
a!forEach(items: ri!group, expression: a!queryFilter( field: "c4", operator: "=", value: fv!item, applyWhen: a!isNotNullOrEmpty(reject(fn!isnull, ri!group)) ), )
But this applies all filters at once right? This means the resulting tasks will have to be in the both groups? I want to return tasks that match any group. So like an union.Also when I test this it only works for the first group in the array.When I put only group A as input I get 14 tasks.When I put group B as input I get 4 tasks.When I put {A, B} I get 14 tasks.When I put {B, A} I get 4 tasks.
What is going on here?
Use or operator instead of AND (more than one queryLogicalExpression can be used in logicalExpressions)
a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "OR", filters: { a!forEach(items: ri!group, expression: a!queryFilter( field: "c4", operator: "=", value: fv!item, applyWhen: a!isNotNullOrEmpty(reject(fn!isnull, ri!group)) ), )}),
Thanks this solves it.