I am having trouble with the error "Export Data Store Entity to Excel Smart Service".
I am using "Copy Document Service" and "Export Data Store Entity to Excel Smart Service" in the process model.
The contents I want to process are as follows.
① Copy an Excel document.
② Paste the content exported from the Data Store Entity into the copied document.
To achieve these goals, we first stored the document output by "Copy Document Service" as "pv!copyExcelTemplate".Thanks to this, ① was achieved.
Next, I set "pv!copyExcelTemplate" to "Document to Update".
This results in an error that says, "Please select a new document name, or if you want to access an existing document, select the document you want to update."(it's Japanese)
The document should be configured correctly, so why am I getting this error?
Note that if I leave "Document to Update" blank, I can export the contents of the Data Store Entity without any problems.
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misak0001 said:pv!copyExcelTemplate
What is the datatype ? I thinks it's not considering it as Document. Try wrapping it with todocument()
Thank you for your reply.
The data type of "pv!copyExcelTemplate" is "document".
I got the same result even if I added "todocument()".
I also tried specifying the number of the document that exists within the application, with similar results.
The "Export Data Store Entity to Excel Smart Service" expects a document path or a document variable that points to an existing document. When you set "pv!copyExcelTemplate" as the "Document to Update," the smart service interprets it as a variable containing a new document name instead of a reference to the copied document.
misak0001 said:Please select a new document name, or if you want to access an existing document, select the document you want to update
Can you verify these configurations
1. Output of copy document is giving you a document?? (In your picture it's giving just name I think document looks something like this document id _Document Name)
2. In your Export Datastore entity to Excel make sure only one option passed (Either it's New Document name or Document to update). I tried passing both it's throwing a error . Select either new document name, or a document to update if you want to access an existing document (APNX-1-4505-008)
And finally I just want to know why you using Copy a Document? More context would be helpful for us to understand the error bit more
thank you for your reply.Indeed, I had also entered "New Document Name". After deleting them, the export was successful.
Thank you for your reply.I was entering both "New Document Name" and "Document to Update". When I deleted "New Document Name", the export was successful.