RecordType Identifier issue (or recordAction issue) ?

Certified Senior Developer


I have a very strange issue with a RecordType and a Process. So I would have 2 questions :

1/ My recordType is based on a simple table Category(#categoryId, name, isActive, fkIconId, orderNo) and the corresponding ProstgreSQL table contains a Primary Key with SERIAL on the "categoryId" field.

I've created a new RecordAction to call a process, and the RecordAction passes the rv!record to the process.
myRecord: rv!record

I've created an Interface with a RecordType based Grid, to try my recordAction :
but when I click on the button on a grid row, the process is launched with the bad parameters :

Example1 : Click on row(categoryId=4, name="CAR", isActive=true, orderNo=2)
 => but in the process instance I see this log : changed to {categoryId=2, name=BICYCLE}

Example2 : Click on row(categoryId=2, name="BICYCLE", isActive=true, orderNo=4)
=> but in the process instance I see this log : changed to {categoryId=4, name=CAR}

It is exaclty like if the RecordType Identifier was synced with the OrderNo, and not the CategoryId field.

So I've made many vérifications :
- the table has a categoryId PK
- in the list field of the RecordType, the CategoryId is correctly set as PK
- when I pass rv!record or rv!identifier from RecordAction to the process, I can verify that the OrderNo is taken (not the CategoryId)
- I've created a new RecordType from scratch to make the same test, but same result observed

My first question is Why ? What am I missing please ?

2/ When I debug my process I can see such a LOG : {categoryId=4, name=CAR}
In the process instance logs, why the pv!myRecord (parameter) display me only 2 fields ? (I don't see neither isActive, fkIconId, neither OrderNo fields)

Thanks by advance

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