HI, I have a question regarding the Filters.Like I have table of name Employee and it has column -ID,Name,JoiningDate and LastDate.So Is there any way to count the number of working days of the emplyoee and show on the Interface in the records.Using filters as well,
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hi romav0001 Are you try to show the number of working days using the Joining date and last date columns?
Hello romav0001
Yes, you can do that. use custom record fields to calculate this. And for the filters you would need to have a range where the days should fall in between.
You can use the calworkdays function in a sync time Record field https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/24.1/fnc_date_and_time_calworkdays.html
Can you please brifly explain how I can pass date from the Interface if range is created?
Something like above. Calculate the date difference using a custom record field and create a user filter.
Example code for User filter-Update accordingly a!localVariables( local!days: a!forEach( items: enumerate(10) + 1, expression: fv!item * 100 ), a!recordFilterList( name: "Number of Days", options: a!forEach( items: local!days, expression: a!recordFilterListOption( id: fv!index, name: concat("<", fv!item, " Days"), filter: a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!KS Sample.fields.Days', operator: "<", value: fv!item ) ) ) ) )
Custom field using sync-time evaluation. just a normal date difference by subtraction your last date and joining date and format using toInteger()
Thanks ,I will try to use it .