I'm trying to get a rudimentary understanding and example use case for the use of the targetLocation parameter in a!recordLink(). I've read the documentation but I still can't picture a use case. I've played with it in terms of configuration. I'm just not sure why someone would need it. Has anyone every used this parameter before? What was it used tor?
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Hello Kim Day
Usually the record link will redirect with the url as suite/tempo/records/item/someadditional value
ex: .com/suite/design/koOew33rfs3Oew33rfs3Oew33rfs3
when used the targetLocation, you can define the site page that it should use as the reference/url site!siteName.pages.pageName
ex: .com/suite/sites/itam/group/master-details/page/soandso-detail/record/kOew33rfs3