Appian Record Doesn't give primary keys in Output

Certified Associate Developer

Hello Everyone,

There is an issue in Write Records Smart Service

Its not giving as output with/of primary keys in the Output section 


It works for a record which takes single value as input but not working for array pv!


Please ping if anyone has faced this issue before, We,ve tried everything but nothing is working

Thanks in advance.

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    Certified Lead Developer

    I'm facing some kind of similar issue on 24.2 version of Appian cloud. I'm trying to generate a unique code for submitted application with primary key and a string literal using concat function. I'm first writing the application data using Write record and save the output in the pv. Then, I've another Write record node after it where I'm using update function to just update the same pv's data with concatenated string and then writing that data. But, I'm not able to fetch the primary key. It just appends "-id" rather than the actual primary key which was already generated in previous Write record. Any help appreciated.

    Configuration for Write Scholarship Details

    Configuration for Update Scholarship Code

    Process History

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to varunbawa

    Here is the mistake.

    Please use concat("SCH-",pv!scholarship[your field index])

    you need to mention the data holder from which you want to index the value.

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