Hi. I am having issues creating a new recordType with the below code in a editable grid.
Things of note
1. mouId is a foreign key in the record.
2.The primary key id is set to autogenerate.
addRowlink: a!dynamicLink( label: "Add Risk", saveInto: { a!save(local!data, append(local!data, 'recordType!{3575b740-8740-41f7-83b5-1f1ed66f6a1a}DSC01_Risk'(mouId:ri!mouId,updatedOn:today(), updatedBy:loggedInUser()))) } ),
Error code:
"Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 8DQ5R] : An error occurred while executing a save:
Expression evaluation error at function 'append' parameter 2 [line 116]: Keys must be record field references or record relationship references"
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When you are adding the mouId and other fields, you need to use the record field reference i.e., recordType!recrdName.field.fieldName
recordType!Case( recordType!Case.fields.id: 1, recordType!Case.fields.status: "Open", recordType!issueType: "Shipping" ) /*should be something of this format*/