How to parse field to extract email address and display mailto link

I am working in my record type display interface. 

One of the fields in our data contains an email address with the name of the person in this format:

Bilbo Baggins <>

I need to extract the string between the < > and display that string as a mailto link in my results. 

How do I write this, or if it's not possible to write this, how can this be achieved based on the data as it is?

Many thanks in advance - 

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Parents Reply
  • a!richTextDisplayField(
      value: a!richTextItem(
        text: a!localVariables(
          local!fullString: fv!row['recordType!{a7958e69-8bde-42a9-a773-23e5104be70a}HAP Application.fields.{f3a77ebb-d7b9-4ec4-bd04-674ed104e96e}technicalPointOfContact'],
            "--beginning--" & local!fullString,
            " <"
        link: a!safeLink(
          uri: "mailto://" & extract(fv!row['recordType!{a7958e69-8bde-42a9-a773-23e5104be70a}HAP Application.fields.{f3a77ebb-d7b9-4ec4-bd04-674ed104e96e}technicalPointOfContact'], "<",">")
