Casting constnat name to constant type in Update Constnat Smart service

Certified Lead Developer

Hi Champ,

I have a use case where I am getting the constnat name (in text) and I have to pass that in Update constant service. But here the issue here is I am unable to pass the constnat name dynamically there. As the name is text type and it's expecting something of constant type. I don't see any option to cast it too. Only way possible here is selecting consttant from the menu ; but I can't do that as it's dynamic in my case.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is not a good idea at all.  Constants (as well as rules, interfaces, etc) can now be re-named by any designer with sufficient editing access, and as such, if you were to work out some override in order to use this method of referencing a constant in this smart service, it would instantly break if it were ever renamed by a different designer (and there would be no warning to them or any other way to know they're about to break it).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is not a good idea at all.  Constants (as well as rules, interfaces, etc) can now be re-named by any designer with sufficient editing access, and as such, if you were to work out some override in order to use this method of referencing a constant in this smart service, it would instantly break if it were ever renamed by a different designer (and there would be no warning to them or any other way to know they're about to break it).

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