Filter by dates in the records' source filters

Good morning,
I need to create a source filter in a record to retrieve those modified in the last half hour.
I tried using the now() function, but you mentioned it’s not valid for this type of filter.
Does anyone know another way to achieve this?
Thank you very much.

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  • I echo others - can you give us more context on what you're trying to do?

    I don't think this is going to achieve what you're trying to do. The source filter only applies during syncs (either full syncs or syncs from a smart service), and full syncs only run once per day. Part of the reason we restrict the source filter from using now() is that it doesn't really make sense to use now() if the sync only occurs once per day.

  • I echo others - can you give us more context on what you're trying to do?

    I don't think this is going to achieve what you're trying to do. The source filter only applies during syncs (either full syncs or syncs from a smart service), and full syncs only run once per day. Part of the reason we restrict the source filter from using now() is that it doesn't really make sense to use now() if the sync only occurs once per day.

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