Read only Grid

Certified Senior Developer

Hi Everyone,

I have a requirement where I need to sort the grid on page load based on Priority . Eg.we have Critical, high and low priority. Critical priority cases will come at the top followed by high and low. I have given priority in initial sorts. In addition to that I have to sort with latest id on page load. So I have given both id and priority column in initial sorts so that it will sort on page load. This is working for the grid when the data source is coming from record. So the latest critical cases will come at the top since we have provided both id and priority in initial sorts.

I have another grid where the data source is from process report. There I could able to provide only one initial sort(either id or priority). It is not working as expected when I provided two initial sorts(i.e Id and priority).

Is there a way to provide multiple initial sorts for the grid where the data source is from process report. I need to sort both the columns on page load. Please help me to achieve this


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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to venkat Avuluri

    I am using a!sortinfo in initial sorts of the grid. But it is taking only one sort which we give first

    Here c4 is id and c12 is priority. If I give c4 first it is getting sorted based on id. If c12 is given first it is getting sorted based on priority. But I need both. Here c4 is given first so it is sorted based on id.

    Here the source is from process report

    When c12 is given first we can see that it is sorted based on priority (i.e critical cases at top)
