Pivot Data with Record Relatioships

Certified Associate Developer

Hi All,

i am stuck in one scenario, i just want to create interface where rules would be displayed ,added and updated.

i want to list all the existing rules to be display like below screenshot.

There are several products with base prices and i want to set some tax percentages as per the product and countries.

and my appian records are like below screenshot.

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    Certified Senior Developer

    have you defined your data model yet in your records?

    Once you have done this then, for example, you may need another record for "Rules" which would comprise of your foreign keys from the associated records of Product and Countries.

    You would then create an interface, consider grids initially to make it easier, where selecting items from "Products" and "Countries" began to populate the data for your rules record.

    Once this is functional, you could then focus on a more appropriate user experience.