Hello community,
There is a scenerio where I just want to add a user filter to popup only with the options that are mapped to a record.
e.g. there are 10 reference records used in filter and mapping is like::
Record A - 1,2,3,4
Record B - 4,5,6
Record C - 6,8,,4,3,9
Is there any way to just popup mapped referenced values to the filters for selected records.
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Hello omkar,i have a hard time to follow you with this part of your Explanation
Omkar said:popup only with the options that are mapped to a record.
Can you elaborate that a bit more?Aa far as i understand you have two records linked?You want to use the "user filters" just for the selection of the connected record?
I think this is not something Appian supports OOTB, but you can easily build that. Do you have any specific question?
No, Stefan Helzle That was the requirement, but yes it can be done manually. Thanks!!
Hi Richard Michaelis ,Scenario is like (1:M relationship) e.g.Record A => Benefits (A,B,C)
Record B => Benefits (C, D, E)
Record C => Benefits (E,B,A)
So, when viewing Record A, in Benefit filter the values should populate the values mapped to particular records.Although, this is something that is not supported in appian filters, So, I have implemented in a different way.Thanks!!