Synced RecordTypes or Unsynced RecordTypes (Disabling sync and features) or DataStore Entities(CDT)

I have asked two developers about the best approach for data management in Appian.

One usually uses Datastore Entities and other uses Sync Recordtypes. But, I have seen that there is a third configuration where a RecordType is related to a Datastore Entity (this disable recordtypes relationship).

Which best approach is my dilemma.

I have heard recordtypes limitations related to database (some datatypes capacity limits) schema, 2 millions rows storage limitation and sync issues.

I haven't found documentation about best practices for data management.

What do you recommend? Some prefers CDT others Recordtypes.

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    hi   it all again depends on the data how much are you processing or querying into your application? My thoughts would be.

    Smaller or Medium-sized Applications: Synced Record Types balance performance and ease of use.

    Large-scale or Complex Applications: DSEs with custom queries and CDTs provide the most flexibility and control.

     Mixed Use Cases: Using Record Types with DSEs can blend both approaches, but you’ll need to manage the relationships yourself.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    hi   it all again depends on the data how much are you processing or querying into your application? My thoughts would be.

    Smaller or Medium-sized Applications: Synced Record Types balance performance and ease of use.

    Large-scale or Complex Applications: DSEs with custom queries and CDTs provide the most flexibility and control.

     Mixed Use Cases: Using Record Types with DSEs can blend both approaches, but you’ll need to manage the relationships yourself.
