I have a long process (long running task) which calls a User Input Task to display a Main form with a text field.
In that Interface I have a Related Action which calls a process to display a modal form, and when it is submitted, this later saves a new Text value in DB.
When the modal form is closed, and I get back to the main form, my text field is not refreshed with the new data.
So I've tried this little test in the Main form :
- On the saveInto of my textField I've added a writeRecords smartService to save data in the DB, and I've added a "GET" Button to get Data from DB (dynamicLink).
If I enter a new value in my TextField, I can see that WriteRecords works fine, and the new value is well saved in DB (viewing it in phpMyAdmin),
Then, if I click on the GET button, the underlying Expression Rule (EXPR1) gets some old data (why ? if the DB shows me correct data)
If I execute the same EXPR1 outside of my execution process form (from Appian Designer), the retrieved DATA are correct (the new value)
(for this test, I did not used Rule Input, I'm just using testing local variables).
Why I cannot get my Data directly from DB?What am I missing ?
This subject is linked to this previous thread
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I need to see actual code to fully understand what you are doing here.
The code of our Customer is very big and private, so I've created a little example:Here is the main form call by a little process which contains only an User Input Task :
a!localVariables( local!model: null, { a!sectionLayout( label: "Vehicle", contents: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Vehicle id", value: ri!vehicle.id, labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", readOnly: true ), a!textField( label: "Model", value: ri!vehicle.model, saveInto: { ri!vehicle.model, a!writeToDataStoreEntity( dataStoreEntity: cons!CJT2_Entity_Vehicle, valueToStore: ri!vehicle, onSuccess: { } ), }, labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", validations: {} ), a!textField( label: "Model from DB", value: local!model, labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", readOnly: true ), a!cardLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Get DATA form DB", readOnly: true ) }, style: "INFO", link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: a!localVariables( local!vehicle: rule!CJT2_GetVehicleById( id: ri!vehicle.id ), if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!vehicle), a!save(local!model, local!vehicle.model), null ) ) ) ), } ), a!columnLayout( contents: {} ), a!columnLayout( contents: {} ) } ) } ), /*Buttons*/ a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget_23r3( label: "Save", icon: "check", saveInto: { }, submit: true, style: "PRIMARY", disabled: false, showWhen: true ) }, secondaryButtons: a!buttonWidget_23r3( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, showWhen: true, validate: false ) ) } ) } )
- Enter a new vehicle model (the model is immediately saved in DB)
- Click on the "Get Data" Button to get the new data from DB : does not work and retrieve the previous data
Just a shot in the dark, are you using a combination of data store entity and records when you write/get? One thing that could cause the issue is writing with data store entity and retrieving with an unsynced record.
No, we do not have Record sync. And my little example does have any either
This might be because of that unnecessary local variables in line 49. Please try to add a refreshVariable on that local!vehicle and set refreshAlways to true.
Thank you Stefan, you're right
Hum, I'm understanding now, it is not a local variable issue but the default behaviour of the Appian localVariable function,
I had forgotten that detail
Cool! Local variables can introduce a unexpected caching behaviour in certain situations. E.g. when writing expressions to encapsulate a API query, I try to avoid locals or at least add refreshAlways to make sure that API call actually happens, even when passing the same set of parameters.
Yes indeed, few years ago, I had already encountered this kind of difficulty, it just comes back to me.Thank you for this advice