Same database view in different environments generates different cdt

Certified Senior Developer

I have a View in the Appian Cloud database with a column that concatenates some values, lets call it column "CODES".

I started in our dev environments creating a CDT from Table/View and verifying the datastore.

I then did a distribution to the test environment of the CDT, View and Datastore. While verifying in test environment I get an error that CODES is not a MEDIUMTEXT, it's a LONGTEXT. Not knowing what to do I try to create the CDT in test environment and actually the generated CDT in this environment is different that the one that was generated in dev, even though the database view is the same.

Any suggestions on how to solve this issue? The thing is that I don't know in a production environment which datatype Appian will choose, and I don't want to create objects manually in production, I shouldn't even be able to.

Thank you!

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Harsha Sharma

    This is what I see when trying to update the CDT:

    wrong column type encountered in column [ABI] in table [`XXXXXX`]; found [longtext (Types#LONGVARCHAR)], but expecting [mediumtext (Types#VARCHAR)]

    This is what i see in MariaDB/PhpMyAdmin:

    # Name Type Collation Attributes Null Default Comments Extra
    1 xxxx int(11) No 0
    2 xxxxx varchar(255) utf8mb3_general_ci Yes NULL
    11 ABI mediumtext utf8mb3_general_ci Yes NULL

    I don't know where Appian is getting longtext/longvarchar from.
