I need to make a record-like query for a 1 to N relationship, in which it only returns the values of the parent record if all the values in the N relationship meet a condition. Example :
I have a record called "Need" and it is related to another called "needchangestate" through a relationship 1 to N, I need it to return only the needs where all the needchangestate meet a condition, if all the elements of the relationship N do not meet the condition, the element Need should not appear
Currently it returns me an investment where the condition is met in at least one of the records of the relationship N but this is not what I am looking for.
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hi Raúl Gómez Moya I agree with what Mathieu Drouin has mentioned; there will be many limitations. However, I'm not entirely sure. Could you try implementing a custom field in your main record type? This custom field should incorporate conditions based on the child records, such as counting the statuses from the child records. You could then filter these in your query. Please give this a try.