query record result

Certified Associate Developer

I need to make a record-like query for a 1 to N relationship, in which it only returns the values ​​of the parent record if all the values ​​in the N relationship meet a condition. Example :

I have a record called "Need" and it is related to another called "needchangestate" through a relationship 1 to N, I need it to return only the needs where all the needchangestate meet a condition, if all the elements of the relationship N do not meet the condition, the element Need should not appear

Currently it returns me an investment where the condition is met in at least one of the records of the relationship N but this is not what I am looking for.

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Andrew Hickingbotham

    Correct, finally I saw that this was the option but I don't like it very much because we are creating 3 custom fields to make a calculation but those fields really do not provide any value, I think the option of extracting the results is better with the option of first extracting the elements that do not meet the condition, then those in which at least one meets the condition and then making a difference.

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