JSON to DB/CDT/Record

Certified Associate Developer

Hello Appian Community,

I've been given a somewhat complex JSON format to ingest into Appian and stage all the data into the DB.  The intention of the data is for reference/comparison/reporting.  I've tested the regular readtextfromfile/fromJson/jsonPath functions to grab each attribute but it feels very tedious/clunky to have an JSON path expression for ever attribute I need.  Could I get any advice on a more efficient way to parse this data and get it in the DB?

Data Context:

One JSON will have thousands of "FullProduct" entities so I will be dealing with files with a size of at most 25MB.  This structure is the final format so there is no altering the original file.

JSON Sample:

            "FullProduct": {
                "ID": "*dfg333",
                "Details": {
                    "StatusType": "LIVE",
                    "Status": "ACTIVE"
                "Classification": [
                        "ID": "aaa111",
                        "Classification": {
                            "Class": {
                                "ClassificationID": "ASDAFF",
                                "ClassName": "Article 8",
                                "ClassDescription": "Description",
                                "ClassValue": "ARTICLE8"
                        "ClassificationPurpose": "Purpose2"
                        "ID": "aaa222",
                        "Classification": {
                            "Class": {
                                "ClassificationID": "EETEWTT",
                                "ClassName": "Article 2",
                                "ClassDescription": "Description",
                                "ClassValue": "ARTICLE2"
                        "ClassificationPurpose": "Purpose"
                "Meetings": [
                        "ID": "dfgd22f",
                        "MeetingNumber": 2333,
                        "MeetingDate": "2024-12-18T12:00:00.000",
                        "MeetingDepartment": "DEPARTMENT 1",
                        "MeetingComment": "test"
                "Case": {
                    "CaseDocument": "Document URL",
                    "CaseDocumentDate": "2024-12-18T12:20:57.000"
                "AllMarks": [
                        "ID": "hfhgsgfh",
                        "MarksType": "Primary",
                        "Marks": {
                            "MarkDetails": {
                                "MarkName": "TEST_NAME",
                                "MarkType": "TYPE",
                                "MarkDocument": {
                                    "MarkDocName": "TEST1"
                                "MarkNotes": {
                                    "MarkComment": "Test COMMENT"
                "Rules": {
                    "RuleYear": "2024",
                    "RuleSet": 2

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  • What sort of structure are you looking to get in the DB? Is it multiple related tables or just one table? What data from the JSON sample are you wanting across?

    Appian can do this of course but it would be remiss of me to not mention that other reporting tools would be better suited to what you are trying to do. There may be other reasons why to use Appian but needed to throw it out there.

  • What sort of structure are you looking to get in the DB? Is it multiple related tables or just one table? What data from the JSON sample are you wanting across?

    Appian can do this of course but it would be remiss of me to not mention that other reporting tools would be better suited to what you are trying to do. There may be other reasons why to use Appian but needed to throw it out there.
