Hello Appian Community,
I've been given a somewhat complex JSON format to ingest into Appian and stage all the data into the DB. The intention of the data is for reference/comparison/reporting. I've tested the regular readtextfromfile/fromJson/jsonPath functions to grab each attribute but it feels very tedious/clunky to have an JSON path expression for ever attribute I need. Could I get any advice on a more efficient way to parse this data and get it in the DB?
Data Context:
One JSON will have thousands of "FullProduct" entities so I will be dealing with files with a size of at most 25MB. This structure is the final format so there is no altering the original file.
JSON Sample:
{ "FULLPRODUCTFILE": [ { "FullProduct": { "ID": "*dfg333", "Details": { "StatusType": "LIVE", "Status": "ACTIVE" }, "Classification": [ { "ID": "aaa111", "Classification": { "Class": { "ClassificationID": "ASDAFF", "ClassName": "Article 8", "ClassDescription": "Description", "ClassValue": "ARTICLE8" } }, "ClassificationPurpose": "Purpose2" }, { "ID": "aaa222", "Classification": { "Class": { "ClassificationID": "EETEWTT", "ClassName": "Article 2", "ClassDescription": "Description", "ClassValue": "ARTICLE2" } }, "ClassificationPurpose": "Purpose" } ], "Meetings": [ { "ID": "dfgd22f", "MeetingNumber": 2333, "MeetingDate": "2024-12-18T12:00:00.000", "MeetingDepartment": "DEPARTMENT 1", "MeetingComment": "test" } ], "Case": { "CaseDocument": "Document URL", "CaseDocumentDate": "2024-12-18T12:20:57.000" }, "AllMarks": [ { "ID": "hfhgsgfh", "MarksType": "Primary", "Marks": { "MarkDetails": { "MarkName": "TEST_NAME", "MarkType": "TYPE", "MarkDocument": { "MarkDocName": "TEST1" }, "MarkNotes": { "MarkComment": "Test COMMENT" } } } } ], "Rules": { "RuleYear": "2024", "RuleSet": 2 } } } ] }
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Have you taken a look at this plugin? https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/load-json-file-to-database
Yes, I have installed this plug-in and tested it with our JSON file and it is useful. I just wanted to give a shout in the Community forums before coming to the conclusion that this is the "only" method of loading a really large and nested JSON somewhat effectively.