Hi All How to give value as rule with record field input for an

Hi All

How to give value as rule with record field input for an option in a facet of entity based record ?

when I tried to pass record field using rf! there was an error 'Expression evaluation error : An error occurred while trying to evaluate the expression "=rule!TEST_filterValueForActive(rf!status)" using "{} (AppianBindings)" as the context. (APNX-1-4198-000)'

Thanks in advance.





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  • You can't make reference to record fields in there and actually you don't need that. You're supposed to compare the status field of the record with static values (e.g. check if status equals 1 and label this filter as ACTIVE) this way you do a comparison of the raw value (a number for example) but the display label of the filter is still a user friendly one called "Active"
  • You can't make reference to record fields in there and actually you don't need that. You're supposed to compare the status field of the record with static values (e.g. check if status equals 1 and label this filter as ACTIVE) this way you do a comparison of the raw value (a number for example) but the display label of the filter is still a user friendly one called "Active"
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