Hello! I am generating Tempo Record. It doesn't render HTML tags


I am generating Tempo Record. It doesn't render HTML tags in Tempo Records. I have same data coming in portal with proper rendering. My data contains multiple HTML tags like : <br>,<table>,<a>,<script>,<head> and so on.

Can any one please suggest me the way which I can use in my SAIL code, so that data coming to the Tempo, renders the HTML tag. Example includes, for <br/> - there should be line break, for<a/>, there should be hyperlink.

Many Thanks!...



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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    If you wanted to get fancy, you could try parsing the text and using applyComponents to generate rich text fields for the different components you want to handle, like links, but this would be a very challenging expression to write and debug. You might be better served by finding another way (other than HTML) to represent your rich text, but I don't know whether this is an option in your use case.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    If you wanted to get fancy, you could try parsing the text and using applyComponents to generate rich text fields for the different components you want to handle, like links, but this would be a very challenging expression to write and debug. You might be better served by finding another way (other than HTML) to represent your rich text, but I don't know whether this is an option in your use case.
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