I need some help getting a quick task to show up as a related action inside a re

I need some help getting a quick task to show up as a related action inside a record? The record that I am using is an entity backed one.



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  • Hi bonniet, As said in some of the earlier post, that the related action in the entity backed record needs to be a standalone process model. As you mentioned, you need to pass the result of a related action to your master process model for further workflow execution, what you can do is - you can create one standalone process which will be configured as the related action, taking some unique values to identify for which master process instance this related action is run, and once the action is completed, you can set the value of the result in the necessary process variable of your master process model using a custom smart service available on forum named - Set External Activity (it takes the process instance id, process variable name and the value that needs to be set in that process variable of the given process instance id). And once the value is set in your master process, you can accordingly drive your next workflows. Hope it helps.
  • Hi bonniet, As said in some of the earlier post, that the related action in the entity backed record needs to be a standalone process model. As you mentioned, you need to pass the result of a related action to your master process model for further workflow execution, what you can do is - you can create one standalone process which will be configured as the related action, taking some unique values to identify for which master process instance this related action is run, and once the action is completed, you can set the value of the result in the necessary process variable of your master process model using a custom smart service available on forum named - Set External Activity (it takes the process instance id, process variable name and the value that needs to be set in that process variable of the given process instance id). And once the value is set in your master process, you can accordingly drive your next workflows. Hope it helps.
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