Is it possible to call a record as summary from another record. The Parent

Is it possible to call a record as summary from another record.
The Parent records- if clicked on a value, this selected value will be passed as a parameter to the child record.
Has anybody tried it ?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    You can use a!recordLink() to create link to record?
  • There are many examples of Records referencing Records in the Case Management Framework available here on Forum / Shared Components..

    As far as passing in a parameter.. You will need to describe exactly the behavior you are trying to achieve.. The only parameter you can pass using a!recordLink() is the record you want to reference and the dashboard you want to open..

    a!recordLink label, recordType, identifier, dashboard

    Defines a link to a record view. Links can be used in charts, grids, images, and link fields.


    label (Text): Text associated with this link.
    recordType (RecordType): Record type of the linked record view.
    identifier (Any Type): Identifier of the linked record view.
    dashboard (Text): URL stub of the destination record view. Default: “summary”