Is there any way to translate the Record Type Names that appear in the Records T

Is there any way to translate the Record Type Names that appear in the Records Tab to another language?
We need the capability to display Russian text for Russian users - and this includes the Record Type names and Description.
(I attach Tempo Screenprint of the Records tab that we currently have)



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  • On another similar note - we have a Feed Entry that is always required at the top of the NewsFeed (we manually changed the date of the Feed to a future date (yes - I know!!!)).
    Anyone think of a way whereby we can dynamically display a static feed entry based on the language of the logged in user? ( I attach a screenprint of what is displayed at the moment)

  • On another similar note - we have a Feed Entry that is always required at the top of the NewsFeed (we manually changed the date of the Feed to a future date (yes - I know!!!)).
    Anyone think of a way whereby we can dynamically display a static feed entry based on the language of the logged in user? ( I attach a screenprint of what is displayed at the moment)

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