I'm haveing a devil of a time getting my old list view image to show correct

I'm haveing a devil of a time getting my old list view image to show correctly on my new Grid View Record. I;'ve set it up as an Image component with a doument link. Then I use the todocoument function on it to convert the document link integer into a doument type as I did in my list view. In the old list view, if a document was not present, it would just show the first letter of the name I'm using for the headding. Now it appears it wants a document for each occurance or it will throuw a null error compaining that I can't have a null document. I have tried getting around this by doing a check on the field to see if it is empty using apn_isblank like follows: if(rule!appian_isbalnk(rf!id),null,fn!dodocument(rf!id) to no avail. Any advice? Thanks!



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  • @scotts Hi, to the best of my knowledge, you need a valid document object for every record so that the image component will be rendered properly and I don't think it can be skipped because the component expects a valid document which will be rendered as image thereafter. So how about choosing a image that represents a case where a document id is null and this way you may avoid error. Just in case if your intention is to provide links to the image component, you may want to skip the links in case when the document id is null and you can include this condition while generating the links.
  • @scotts - In feed list view if the document was null then the first letter was shown in the image but in the grid list view you have to provide a document.
    And as sikhivahan suggested you can have an static image/document as constant which represents the unavailability of document and use in place of null.
    Hope the information was helpful.
  • To the best of my knowledge, it's not about Grid View but it's the behaviour of the Grid Image component and the Document Image component that expects a valid document object and if we don't provide so, that results in an error and the same occurs with a Paging Grid component used elsewhere in an interface.