Tempo Related Action - Delete Record

We have functionality where, we create a temporary records, once the purpose is fulfilled the un-used records are to be cleaned out- (Soft Deleted from Database Table)
This is achieved through related action on the record.
After the related action is performed, the default screen is the summary dashboard of the record (that we just deleted). As this database record is no longer exist, we get an error:
An Error Has Occurred*
The record data does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access it. (APNX-1-4205-006)

As per my research in forum, I found this entry:

As the comments are from 2015, was hoping there some other work around, if any ?

Is there any Submit button image field ?
Is there any process level - redirect link available ?


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  • We are on 16.2 cloud instance, I have default filter- to get only active records.
    While accessing the record the record is active, by clicking on the related action, weare updating the database record to inactive. but as the related action was from the particular record. It tries to come back to the same record. If it could go back to the list of all the records then i would not have this issue.
    Please advice
  • We are on 16.2 cloud instance, I have default filter- to get only active records.
    While accessing the record the record is active, by clicking on the related action, weare updating the database record to inactive. but as the related action was from the particular record. It tries to come back to the same record. If it could go back to the list of all the records then i would not have this issue.
    Please advice
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