Record Summary Load Time with Queries in Displayed Related Action Buttons

If I have a record view with a related action button displayed that has a query rule in the 'Context' for process parameters (i.e. { case: rule!CS_getCaseById(rf!caseId) } )

Does Appian run the query rule before loading the button to display on the page, or does it only run the query rule when I click the button?

If I have a bunch of buttons displayed on a record view with poor performing queries in the 'Context' to pass as a process parameter, will that affect my record page load time?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Take a look at

    @aayusha mentions that switching from querying the cdt and passing it in to passing in the record fields directly improved his performance.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Try using a type! Constructor that uses the rf! Fields to populate the object that you're passing to the related actions. That'll be your best performance since appian automatically queries all the record fields when the record is loaded
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @nickh as per my understanding you are asking about, whether Appian embeds the related action button before execution of the process(which contains query rule) or on click, I believe on loading of record summary view, it just embeds the related action but do not executes it, untill user is not going to act/click on that, for example, let's save and publish a process model which call a expression rule which expects a mandatory field value as not null, pass null as that value for its Param from process model, so technically we will be getting an error while execution of this process model, now configure this process model as related action, now go to summary view, you won't be getting any error untill and unless you are not going to click on that related action

    Hope I answered your question