For few specific text, record is being search even though they don't have that text.


In entity backed record, there is no field which have value being kept in record default search box. Still it finds a record.

Like: if we keep search for 'xyz' (specific to only few search text only for rest it is working fine.) record default search field it still returns one record in which none of attribute have value as 'xyz'.

Could someone guide the search logic/algorithm being kept for record search field?


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  • Hi All,

    Just looked in bit more details and found the answer.

    We are using Appian Version 16.3 and it is for Tempo Record - Entity Backed Record.

    We are having one field as Encrypted text in Entity Backed Record and after the encryption of certain text, encrypted value is having the 'TEXT' which is being searched in Record, Left Pane search field.

    Hope I am clear if not please do comment/query, I would be happy to add more details. It should be helpful for someone facing similar issue.