Generate column with unique ID in MySQL view

I've often found the need to create views which do not have a single-column primary key, but we must have this primary key column in order to publish a data store which connects to such a view. I suspect that other practitioners have encountered the same issue, so I thought I'd write a quick note about the solutions that I have found. Perhaps some of this information could be included in a KB article.

In SQL Server and Oracle, the ROW_NUMBER() function meets our needs. Your view definition might look something like this:

SELECT ISNULL(CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY your_ordering_column_name) AS int), 0) AS id, [other column names]
FROM your_tables

However, in MySQL we have to be more creative. There is a way to generate row numbers by making use of a variable inside the query:

SELECT t.*, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rank
FROM YOUR_TABLE t, (SELECT @rownum := 0) r

However, if you try to cre...


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @johns222 few days ago i too had the same requirement, where my view was joining 6 tables and was returning duplicates for each columns value, so if i treat any one of the column as primary key while mapping it with cdt, and if i query this CDT and use the response in a GridField, then it used to give error because the Primary key value needs to be unique, so i was having the same requirement where a auto sequence has to generate for each row, when i used this query snippet(suggested in Stackoverflow) in a Normal SQL Query, it was working fine but when i used the same in View, it was giving error.

    @Johns is this solution working for you? if yes, please let me know the steps (or the query for a single column in that view which will hold the autosequence) which you have followed to enable autosequence in view for each row
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @johns222 few days ago i too had the same requirement, where my view was joining 6 tables and was returning duplicates for each columns value, so if i treat any one of the column as primary key while mapping it with cdt, and if i query this CDT and use the response in a GridField, then it used to give error because the Primary key value needs to be unique, so i was having the same requirement where a auto sequence has to generate for each row, when i used this query snippet(suggested in Stackoverflow) in a Normal SQL Query, it was working fine but when i used the same in View, it was giving error.

    @Johns is this solution working for you? if yes, please let me know the steps (or the query for a single column in that view which will hold the autosequence) which you have followed to enable autosequence in view for each row
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