Send Email

Sending single or multiple emails by using Send Email node. Send Email node is executing if email Id format is correct but not failing if there is server error "mail undelivered". Here, we are validating only email id format.

Example: Lets say there is an email id - , but if there is a typo error (but email ID format is valid) and the email id entered is (in anil, 'il' is missing but valid email format). Still Send Email node is executing without any error like "mail undelivered". I performed a similar test in Outlook, sending a test email to that same email address ( A few moments late, I got the “Undeliverable” email back from the Outlook email server. How to overcome this issue in Appian.



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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    As far as I know this is not really an issue within Appian - the verification that a valid e-mail address has been entered should be the responsibility of the user, and then the designer. Different email servers will have different ways of dealing with nonexistent email addresses, and I believe most will do nothing (no bounce-back message or anything), and the mail hosts that do have a bounce-back message would not necessarily be similar at all. You could try putting an email listener in your Appian process to listen for a bounceback but it might not be possible to capture everything (if possible at all).

    Edit: FYI, I shared a custom expression rule that validates e-mail address formatting, in this old Forum thread.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    As far as I know this is not really an issue within Appian - the verification that a valid e-mail address has been entered should be the responsibility of the user, and then the designer. Different email servers will have different ways of dealing with nonexistent email addresses, and I believe most will do nothing (no bounce-back message or anything), and the mail hosts that do have a bounce-back message would not necessarily be similar at all. You could try putting an email listener in your Appian process to listen for a bounceback but it might not be possible to capture everything (if possible at all).

    Edit: FYI, I shared a custom expression rule that validates e-mail address formatting, in this old Forum thread.
