Process Model Timer/Reminders Testing

Hi All ,


As a tester , how do I test process model timers/schedulers and reminders . Requirement is to verify system sends an automated email to the user on specific date and time .

Also , system should generate reminders after 7 days of original email sent .

Can anybody provide suggestions please ? What should be the approach ?


Thanks in advance

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Anu, as per my understanding, as a Tester you are not going to wait for long time (i.e. 7 days) to find out whether the process is sending the emails as well as reminders or not, you can simply reduce the timing, instead of days, you can go for minutes, so if this works in this case, then ofcourse your process model will perfectly work in your scenario too. Because as a Tester you don't need to bother about the designing the processes, will be designed by the Designers.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Anu, as per my understanding, as a Tester you are not going to wait for long time (i.e. 7 days) to find out whether the process is sending the emails as well as reminders or not, you can simply reduce the timing, instead of days, you can go for minutes, so if this works in this case, then ofcourse your process model will perfectly work in your scenario too. Because as a Tester you don't need to bother about the designing the processes, will be designed by the Designers.