Date time of a timezone

We are saving our date as 

  •  now()

and displaying in a grid as shown below 

  • a!gridTextColumn(label: "Added On", field: "createdDtm", data:datetext(index(local!,"createdDtm",{}),"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")),


The user time zone is set to EDT . 


Our issue is the system displays some other time 4 hours behind the EDT . 

How can i display a date time of  a specific timezone using date functions 


Note : We only have internal  users from east coast , even  we can hard code the eastern time 

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  • Thanks for the response .

    Say I am analyst ,I browse from newyork , i have EDT in my user settings , i save the comment on 9:30 EDT , it is saved as a!save() now() . when this comment is displayed in the grid , the time shown is 5:30 EDT ( It is saved to DB as 5:30 EDT 4 hours less than my current time)
  • Hi Ramanan,

    I can suggest a couple of different approaches to hard code the expression here, although I wouldn't consider these a best practice since they will only work for users in the Eastern time zone (which, as I understand, is your entire user group for this scenario):

    1) You could use the caladdhours() method documented at  You'll need to make sure you've set your working hours to the entire day all 7 days of the week in the system calendar settings if using this approach.

    2) You could alter the datetime in SAIL with an expression similar to the following:

    hour(now()) <= 19,
    datetime(year(now()), month(now()), day(now()), (hour(now())+4), minute(now()), second(now())),
    datetime(year(now()), month(now()), (day(now())+1), (4-(24-hour(now()))), minute(now()), second(now()))


    Again, these solutions will only work for users in the one time zone you specified, so I'd highly recommend looking into solutions around the system timezone if that is an option.

