Date time of a timezone

We are saving our date as 

  •  now()

and displaying in a grid as shown below 

  • a!gridTextColumn(label: "Added On", field: "createdDtm", data:datetext(index(local!,"createdDtm",{}),"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")),


The user time zone is set to EDT . 


Our issue is the system displays some other time 4 hours behind the EDT . 

How can i display a date time of  a specific timezone using date functions 


Note : We only have internal  users from east coast , even  we can hard code the eastern time 

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  • I suggest to rely in the method Appian uses by default. This is, time and date is GMT internally and in database. Towards the user it is converted to his/her timezone automatically. This works most of the time. In some rare cases you need to do the conversion to user timezone manually. If you do any conversion before writing to DB you confuse this mechanism.
  • I suggest to rely in the method Appian uses by default. This is, time and date is GMT internally and in database. Towards the user it is converted to his/her timezone automatically. This works most of the time. In some rare cases you need to do the conversion to user timezone manually. If you do any conversion before writing to DB you confuse this mechanism.
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