Date time of a timezone

We are saving our date as 

  •  now()

and displaying in a grid as shown below 

  • a!gridTextColumn(label: "Added On", field: "createdDtm", data:datetext(index(local!,"createdDtm",{}),"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")),


The user time zone is set to EDT . 


Our issue is the system displays some other time 4 hours behind the EDT . 

How can i display a date time of  a specific timezone using date functions 


Note : We only have internal  users from east coast , even  we can hard code the eastern time 

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  • When I had the similar issue I used to show the datetime column with the GMT so that when ever the time is mentioned , it used to show like 530 GMT+xx hours based on which we can understand the EDT timings, if you are not showing the GMT text then as the other practitioners said you have to use gmt() function to show that in the specific timezone apart from default time.
  • When I had the similar issue I used to show the datetime column with the GMT so that when ever the time is mentioned , it used to show like 530 GMT+xx hours based on which we can understand the EDT timings, if you are not showing the GMT text then as the other practitioners said you have to use gmt() function to show that in the specific timezone apart from default time.