Fitnesse : How to validate bullet list text ?

Hi All,

I have a bullet list with text as mentioned below . Please can you help me in validating the same ? I tried few methods but it didn't work out .


Example :-


  • To accommodate all templates, the questions are nested within subsections and sections.
  • To create a question, just add a section and the subsection within it. There you can group questions within a subsection.
  • Cancelling forgets all changes made after saving the template.
  • To edit a Section please click on the section name.
  • You may recover deleted sections until you save it to template.



Thanks in advance!!


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  • Can you please elaborate, what are you trying to validate in that bullet list? If you are trying to validate text line by line, then is it possible for you have the text in a local!, do all your validations there and then just pass the local!text to your bullet list to pass the validated text ?
  • Hi aman ,

    Yes, I am trying to validate text present . I tried using below methods but it didn't workout since the text is part of bullet list .

    | verify field | FIELD_LABEL or [FIELD_INDEX] or FIELD_LABEL[INDEX] | contains value | VALUE |

    | verify field | FIELD_LABEL or [FIELD_INEDX] or FIELD_LABEL[INDEX] | is present |

    Please can you give an example and explain . It would be great help!

    This is how it looks :-

  • Ok, I am still not sure if I have understood this but if you are looking for dynamic bullet list then you can try this:



    If your local!text1 contains a keyword (in this case it is "templates"), then it will be shown in the bullet list else it will not appear. Do you know the max items that you will have in the list? You can also use applycomponents()


    If you need any other validation, then you can do it outside the richTextDisplayField()... I am not sure if I have answered your question.

  • Ok, I am still not sure if I have understood this but if you are looking for dynamic bullet list then you can try this:



    If your local!text1 contains a keyword (in this case it is "templates"), then it will be shown in the bullet list else it will not appear. Do you know the max items that you will have in the list? You can also use applycomponents()


    If you need any other validation, then you can do it outside the richTextDisplayField()... I am not sure if I have answered your question.
