I am trying to click on an image. I circled it in red in the following screenshot:
I am trying to click the blue cross.
I've tried the following methods:
| verify link | LINK_TEXT or LINK_TEXT[INDEX] | URL contains | URL_TEXT |
| click on link | LINK_NAME or LINK_NAME[INDEX] |
| click on button | BUTTON_NAME or BUTTON_NAME[INDEX] |
The code in the interface has the following general structure:
a!imageField( . . . label: "View", images: a!documentImage( . . . caption: "Add a New Route", link: a!dynamicLink( label: "+ Add New Route", . . . ) )
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No, populating the label property inside the documentImage link property doesn't work. Fitnesse doesn't recognize it.
hey coreys0001, I'm facing the same issue. did you come up with any solution of how the label property inside a icon/ image would work. you see, im trying to click on icon link with alt text . but it's not clickable.