Embedding an Image in a html template Email

Hi guys,

I know that this discution has already been opened. But i Have tried a lot of ways to put an image to my html template to send an email.


  • put this, <p><img alt="Embedded Image" src="data:image/png;base64,###base64String###"/></p> , converted the image to base64 and give that as an input

  • this, <p><img src="C:/Users/appianadm/Desktop/Teste/companylogo.png" alt="companylogo" border="0"></p>, on server machine
  • this, <p><img src="C:\Users\appianadm\Desktop\Teste\companylogo.png" alt="companylogo" border="0"></p>, on server machine


  • <p><img src="image.ibb.co/.../companylogo.png" alt="companylogo" border="0"></p> i Uploaded the image to this website and worked but it's an external website and for the client i am working is not an option

The Result is always this:

Any suggestion?


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