#pagingGrid Problem with numberof records showing in the last page 1.

Problem with numberof records showing in the last page
1. Have a rule giving 6 records
2. page size set to 5
3. 1st page shows 5 records (1to5)
2nd page when Next ,3rd icon is clicked shows 5 records, rows 2 to 6 instead of only the 6th record (one record) on 2nd page
4. but when the last page icon >| is clicked shows only the 6th record.
Is this expected behavior? usually grids so far worked in c#/java/ingragistics all shows only one record in the 2nd page , when clicked next or last page icon [>] vs [>|]...



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  • #rayudua Ok, once try to workout on the points I have specified. Still if you have any concerns, let me know the outline of the syntax CLEARLY(including with(),local() and sort configurations) that is followed by you in configuration of the tempo grid. Then I could try to sort out your issue and I could let you know the problems, if any, present in the configuration. But to support your doubt regarding the functionality of tempo grid's paging configuration...Yes, I have made an observations where the paging of the tempo grid Paging grid functionality is wiped away in a particular case, though it shouldn't happen so.
  • #rayudua Ok, once try to workout on the points I have specified. Still if you have any concerns, let me know the outline of the syntax CLEARLY(including with(),local() and sort configurations) that is followed by you in configuration of the tempo grid. Then I could try to sort out your issue and I could let you know the problems, if any, present in the configuration. But to support your doubt regarding the functionality of tempo grid's paging configuration...Yes, I have made an observations where the paging of the tempo grid Paging grid functionality is wiped away in a particular case, though it shouldn't happen so.
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