Task created in SAIL does not open in Tempo.

I have a task in my workflow that was created in SAIL.  I created a record type that contains a list of request numbers.  When the request number is clicked in the record another record is display listing all the task for that request number.  When click one particular task in the record, it bring me to the portal and not tempo.  All other task in the record bring me to tempo when they are clicked.  Can someone help me with resolving this issue.  The only difference with the task that is going to the portal is the is has multiple entries. However, I have tasks in other workflows with multiple entries and they come up in tempo when accessed via the record. 

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  • These are pretty frustrating when they appear since there isn't an obvious answer, and no one thing seems to consistently work. If you've ever had a portal form for this task, delete it. Another workaround is to delete the input task, recreate it and re-map inputs/outputs.

    If those don't work, then supposing that you created the links via a!processTaskLink is there a way for you to get put the task ID into a debug field? You could then verify a few things via suite/tempo/tasks/task/<id>, and also searching for the process id in the Runtime Data. This will help you verify assumptions about task assignment, access to the task (i.e. Process Model security) and also any other initial data.