Hi Is it possible to modify a cdt without having to delete it ??...

Hi Is it possible to modify a cdt without having to delete it ??...



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  • @sathya : Thanks for your help so far ,it was really useful as i am new to this tool .But i am facing an issue . I created a simple cdt with 3 fields namely id, name , address and made a data store out of it . Then i used this cdt in a simple process which just contained write to data store service and then deployed the process in the appliation . Now when i am running an impact analysis of the cdt , it still says No application contains reference to the cdt . Please help me with this as it is used in a process which is deployed .
  • @sathya : Thanks for your help so far ,it was really useful as i am new to this tool .But i am facing an issue . I created a simple cdt with 3 fields namely id, name , address and made a data store out of it . Then i used this cdt in a simple process which just contained write to data store service and then deployed the process in the appliation . Now when i am running an impact analysis of the cdt , it still says No application contains reference to the cdt . Please help me with this as it is used in a process which is deployed .
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