Record Performance Analysis

Hi Guys,

I want to analyse the performance of my record. I have one Entity backed record which has actually started taking quite a bit time to load Record List on click on Record name. I am looking for any Logs which can state how much time backend process (Query form Appian to DB and then result set from DB to Appian) is taking and the reason for latency.

One way is to check the time taken by select query in view itself, that we are already analysing and improving the same. Please let me know if there any alternate way to look into this.

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  • I think you're on the right track with analyzing this. The view that backs this record is likely the main culprit. I also recommend looking into any recent changes to the record filters. Is the record list a grid- or feed-style? We've seen significant performance degradation when switching to the grid-style record list.

    As for logs, I don't think any will offer significant value above your current line of investigation. Dhivyam's suggestion is also helpful for baselining performance and comparing across environments and code sets.
  • I think you're on the right track with analyzing this. The view that backs this record is likely the main culprit. I also recommend looking into any recent changes to the record filters. Is the record list a grid- or feed-style? We've seen significant performance degradation when switching to the grid-style record list.

    As for logs, I don't think any will offer significant value above your current line of investigation. Dhivyam's suggestion is also helpful for baselining performance and comparing across environments and code sets.
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