check the dependency once we create a patch !!

Hi All ,


We are using Jenkins for Continuous integration . So we use to create a patch and deploy with the help of jenkins in order to upgrade to higher environment,  sometimes it fails due to missing dependency and we have to manually import the patch in higher environment and inspect the dependency .So I wanted to know if their is any way we can check the dependency of any exported patch before deploying to the jenkins.


Thanks in advance.

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    in reply to manishk0001
    The automated deployment manager can be accessed at :

    The deploy-aplication.bat file is located in the zip file:

    Just for your knowledge purpose, I am providing some additional information regarding automated deployment as I have done it for my project. In Jenkins you would call this batch file for deploying appian apps. There's also a plugin jar file that needs to be deployed before calling this. If the automated deployment package is located on a different server, you have to export the public SSL cert from the appian server and merge it into the cacerts file located in the java_jdk/jre/security/lib folder. You can do that using the keytool utility. This is because all java apps that communicate over SSL needs certs exported for mutual handshake.

    Let me know if you need any additional information.