Email sent from Appian as an Attachment

Hi All,


I am trying to send an Email from Appian using Send Email Smart services..

Now the ask is I wanted to save the Mail which is sent as .msg file in my document repository


Can this be done and if so can someone suggest please

TIA :)


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    Certified Lead Developer
    Why do you want to store this copy? As a confirmation that the email was sent, to a meet a compliance need, other? Are you trying to display it again in the system? Knowing more on the use case might help with recommendations.

    The closest thing I've heard people do is to save details about the message to a database. In your example, if you want an actual document, you could create a text template, and copy the mail body, to/cc/bcc addresses, etc and store that copy in the document repository.

    From a simple audit perspective, you will also have process history that will store the history of the transaction and that the email was sent. Just archive your Send Email process instead of deleting it, and unarchive if/when you have a need to review.
  • THanks for the suggestions Justin, the requirement is like, clients want a copy of that so I need to store it as a copy, however I will do tell the following options about saving it as template and populating the data and also I have been thinking about the DB part of saving the data.
  • Thank you :) for the suggestion we thought of this if there is no other way clients accepts for other apporaches
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