Is there a OOTB function to get all the inactive users in the Appian environment ?

I  have a requirement to get all the active/inactive users in the environment, is there any out of the box function to get those ?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Using the function "getgroupmemberuserspaging()" from the shared component" People Functions" you can get all the users which are active using the "APN All users".

    Use the function "getdeactivatedusersby("username","",2)" from the "Personalization Utilities"

    Maybe this two functions can help you too. "isuseractive()" maybe "isusernametaken()"


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Using the function "getgroupmemberuserspaging()" from the shared component" People Functions" you can get all the users which are active using the "APN All users".

    Use the function "getdeactivatedusersby("username","",2)" from the "Personalization Utilities"

    Maybe this two functions can help you too. "isuseractive()" maybe "isusernametaken()"

