Information on Hidden functions

I was wondering if there is any public information on hidden functions? I'm currently trying to identify any that we are using. Any information on hidden functions would be great. A list of them would be amazing! 

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I only know of a try() and eval() myself. The eval() function is wonderful for creating debug tools that can be added to SAIL and used to isolate problems. They should get removed after they've been used. The try() function may have some use to attempt calling queries or rules that are throwing errors to see exactly when they are throwing said errors in a test rule. It's not a good idea to use for anything but testing. It's also how the test boxes on the documentation site work.

    This person is legitimately trying to avoid allowing his developers to use these undocumented functions. I think it would be useful to have a list of functions to avoid and update if you find them. The only other thing you can do is go through every function reference in the whole application you're not familiar with and click it to see if any documentation shows up in the editor.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    There's also the sort() function. I didn't realize that was hidden. To work around within confines of documented functions, convert what you're sorting to a datasubset then use the pagingInfo to sort it.
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