a!queryEntity() timeout


We encountered a strange issue, one of our queries runs ok from oracle developer but sometimes ago started to fail in Appian. Appian reported it as rule error but in the log there is a timeout. We have it as 30 seconds and from oracle developer the query runs in 1-2 seconds.

What can cause such difference between using query from database tool and from appian?

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  • 0
    A Score Level 2
    in reply to sergeiz
    Hi Sergeiz, you can get the N number of records using pagingInfo and with out giving Filter parameter for Query Entity.
    We generally see that there will be noticeable difference between the running query directly in oracle DB and through Appian. But this is because some times the network latency and the load on the server.
    if you still see the issue. can you check all the servers are up and running fine?
  • We have timeout of 90 seconds on Appian. I run a query in other tool and it starts return data in 25-110 seconds. But count takes 75-110 seconds. Query from Appian fails either almost on 90 seconds (timeout on count) or can return results in 130 seconds (count was below 90 seconds) which is longer than 90.