Hi Everyone, We have a requirement where we need to Store data in Session O

Hi Everyone,
We have a requirement where we need to Store data in Session Object. I tried to fetch session object but i am getting error while fetching it.
So I tried storing data in servicecontext object using a custom function by using the following methods
sc.setAttribute(attributeName,AttributeValue) and sc.getAttribute(attributeName) . But they are not working as expected.Can any one suggest me how to fetch a session object or Any other alternate approach to store data in a session...



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  • we are actually redeveloping an existing legacy application(java based) in Appian.Client wants the new application look similar to the old one from frontend(atleast from navigational prespective).The existing appliction is divided into multiple modules(similar to the applications in Appian apps portal ) and in each module(application) we have several tabs(pages in appian) and each tab have several subtabs. As of now we have 3 modules(applications) and in each module we have 5-8 tabs(pages) and in each tab we have 2-8 subtabs.And each subtab corresponds to a particular functionality .All this hirerachy is based on the business functionalities.
    We had already looked into that single parent processmodel (similar to what you have suggested) and expose Individual functionalites as quicktasks but in that approach it is hard to maintain the hirerachy and also it will completly change the navaigation.We are trying to maintain the existing structure as much as possible.So we are trying to find if using session is possible in appian or not.
  • we are actually redeveloping an existing legacy application(java based) in Appian.Client wants the new application look similar to the old one from frontend(atleast from navigational prespective).The existing appliction is divided into multiple modules(similar to the applications in Appian apps portal ) and in each module(application) we have several tabs(pages in appian) and each tab have several subtabs. As of now we have 3 modules(applications) and in each module we have 5-8 tabs(pages) and in each tab we have 2-8 subtabs.And each subtab corresponds to a particular functionality .All this hirerachy is based on the business functionalities.
    We had already looked into that single parent processmodel (similar to what you have suggested) and expose Individual functionalites as quicktasks but in that approach it is hard to maintain the hirerachy and also it will completly change the navaigation.We are trying to maintain the existing structure as much as possible.So we are trying to find if using session is possible in appian or not.
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