Fitnesse - Chrome popup 'Error Loading Extension' prevents the automated test to continue.

Hi all,

When I try to run fitnesse tests using Chrome, I am getting the following error:

Failed to load extension from: c:\users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Scoped_dir0000\Internal. Loading of unpacked extension is disabled by the administrator.


When I click OK, the test continues.

I was wondering if anyone out there is experiencing this issue and if there is a workaround. I have reached out to my desktop help desk but the likelihood of them enabling extension chrome extensions on a corporate desktop is almost none due to security concerns.

Does anyone know of a workaround?

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  • This is an issue around the internet. The solution is to either allow chrome extensions, which my company will not allow or disable the loading of the extension with the following:

    ChromeOptions o = new ChromeOptions();
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(o);

    However, we can't do that. So hopefully Appian Developers can chime in for help. :)
  • This is an issue around the internet. The solution is to either allow chrome extensions, which my company will not allow or disable the loading of the extension with the following:

    ChromeOptions o = new ChromeOptions();
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(o);

    However, we can't do that. So hopefully Appian Developers can chime in for help. :)